Monday, 17 February 2025

Well at last the above exhibition is up and running and within the first hour the painting displayed on the poster was sold; a very encouraging start.

Can I remind everyone of the sensitive work which takes place at St. Columba's, as such for obvious reasons the door cannot be open at these times. So a quick telephone call on 01483 766498 before visiting would be a very good idea and also saves disappointment.

So, in the future I will not be forgetting trees, far from that, but in the short term I will be looking at old decaying fishing boats and other water craft. Sounds good fun.


Wednesday, 29 January 2025

The other day, Liz was busy with all sorts of meetings happening, so she suggested to me that is was an ideal opportunity for me to swary of to London and sketch a little; not a bad idea I thought! So happily off I went. Upon arrival the streets were windy, cold and this swary all seemed like a rather chilly mistake. However I persevered and wandered with no real aim, working my way behind Trafalgar Square into all those narrow twisting streets which in the not to distant past were the rather seedy Soho; thankfully now significantly cleaned up and a delight of twisting and narrow streets and alleys, but it was still very cold.

However I passed this alley, with nowhere to sit, workmen hosing down the street, more workmen doing some sort of repairs; a lot of banging, hammering and shouting to each other going on; so I leant against a wooden wall and started sketching. Then somebody moved something and apologised for blocking my view, I said nothing, just laughed, the obstruction was removed quickly. They carried on working, then started chatting with me as well; they were a good bunch and I did enjoy my time with them. The sketch wasn't to bad either.

A nice way to spent some spare time and to relax. Only one sketch was produced as it realy was a tad cold, but that was a special time in that alley. Try to be brave and paint/sketch in very public places, people will talk to you, you will have a good time. Go on, try it.


Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Still a little dark, early morning light coming in through the window, just had breakfast and my quiet time, then no e-mails to answer; a good start to the day, that is just how I like it!

Above is a timed piece which I produced a few weeks ago at Beer (the place in Devon and not the drink), a lovely shingle beach and shore launched fishing boats still operate from there. We were staying in Sidmouth for a few days and Liz wanted some retail therapy, so I was dismissed, being told  to go away for a few hours. Great, chance to paint at Beer, one of my favorite sketching locations.

Method a very quick light sketch with pencil. A few very loose washes with water colour. Then tighten up with a pen and 45 minuets later, there it is. Its good fun, don't worry about mistakes. Sounds rather blazzy, but its about enjoying your art. The aim was not to produce a great piece of art, rather to relax and enjoy myself and I did.

Got a full day ahead of me, it should be good. See you all soon

Love Duncan


Saturday, 4 January 2025

 Well Liz and myself hope that you all had a super Christmas; we certainly did. 

But today a little advertising.

My exhibition "Can you hear the trees talking", goes up shortly at St. Columba's conference center Woking. Its all about how different plant forms form that ama in size; for ink work this is very large, the work was exceedingly challenging. If you are interested I feel that you will enjoy the show.

Above is one of the pieces which will be exhibited. I will post an invitation to you all in a couple of weeks.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Surprise, surprise, Christmas is with us again; isn't it just wonderful.

For those of you who saw my last blog, I did put fairy lights on the car, but only on the dashboard: it made Liz laugh and laugh again. For those with a health and safety bent in life, I hasten to add that they were removed before driving of. 

The above water colour of the wise men arriving at Bethlehem was produced a couple of years ago. The methodology is simple. use one principal colour, in this case cerulean blue (an easily available and good night time colour), build up the image and density of colour with several loose washes; being careful to leave the door way and lit areas paint free. Then just add a few spots of windsor yellow to give the warmth of an oil lantern. Add to finnish one or two very small dots of cadmium red, to make the colour circle (red, yellow, blue) presence complete. With the use of a hairdryer to speed up the drying. Next scan it into the computer, then into photoshop to add the writing; simple, took less than an hour. You are allowed to call me a smarty pants!

So as the Wise Men greeted the new born King; so I look forwards to welcoming Him again in a few days time; so may I say that:

I wish you all a very happy and Blessed Christmas.


Tuesday, 10 December 2024

 Well it is Advent and we are, in the majority, looking forwards to Christmas with anticipation; whether that be for the cooking, the presents and hopefully, also for the birth of Jesus.

Last night we saw this car; we decided not to count how many lights were attached and as to whether the paintwork would be damaged on their removal. Whatever, we love it and Liz wants one. I said no.

Art expresses itself into all of what we are and do. How are you expressing yourself this Christmas. A simple way it to create a Christmas card, maybe for someone you love. It doesn't have to be good, just the expression is what counts.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

We all get stuck in a rut and continue in our lives the way we always did in the past. Well its good to break out occasionally and expand our thinking and working. Well over the last three and a half weeks my attention has been on a work of an old beech tree growing on the top of a small cliff; it has been challenging and I am pleased to say that the work although having been exceedingly, trying is succeeding and nearing completion. 

To relax my art a little, it has always been an enjoyable pastime of mine to play with old wire, twisting and bending it into all sorts of things, the above is an example. At the moment in my play time the use of heavier wire is with varying degrees of success. being used to attempt the creation of floral broaches. To be worn as jewellery it needs to not only look pretty, but also be strong and able to take knocks. My present attempts at making a life size daisy out of heavy wire are of varying success; but good fun, relaxing and you never know it might end up with something worthwhile.

So don't take yourself to seriously, relax, enjoy your art, it's good for you.