Monday 14 October 2024

I have often written about the lanes which Liz loves, i.e. the narrow twisting lanes and the surprises which were often found at the end of them. Above is one such lane with an ending, oft repeated, with a quiet, holy, ancient chapel, often, as in this case right on the beach. There was a small car park with a magnificent beach, a friendly local beach cafe and a few families enjoying a family beach holiday; there was space a plenty for all. The teasels (big thistles), were there thousands of them and such rich colours, they were a feast for the eyes. We found unsung places like this all over the place.


Wednesday 9 October 2024

The trek down through Wales continues, many small hamlets were driven through. The one above was somewhere in mid Wales, a sleepy little place and also it was pouring with rain. We pulled up in the church carpark, Liz got out her book and I did this quick sketch without even removing my safety belt.. Seeing one person, a lady of mid years walking her dog, her head was deep down in her anorak hood trying to stay dry. A lovely quiet and restful halt. We then journeyed on.


Wednesday 2 October 2024

Travel is not all about differing cultures, food and exotic venues, it is also about enjoyment and seeing the different ways of living and best of all the unusual. This is the first time that I have seen this road sign, it was in a small village in central Wales and for the cynic, no I did not see a cat with a white stick.

Back to England for a moment. On Monday having a rare free day we decided to venture to the South Bank in London, just to chill out, have a stroll, see some favourite sites and have lunch. As usual we were on the lookout for the unusual and interesting. We were not disapointed.A little ahead of us appeared a person who certainly caught your attention. It was female, tall and very slim. She had waist length pure white hair, over a knitted orange bomber jacket. Over her shoulders and flying in the breeze was  a dayglow, high viz, pink scafe. Then to complete the outfit were a pair of viridian green baggy trousers. Now what her statement was I have no idea, but boy did you see her coming.

We then returned home chuckling having had a lovely trip ou.

Saturday 28 September 2024

Today in the Wales trek we have two images, the upper one is of one of those lovely picturesque cottages which are dotted all over the place, this particular one was sketched whilst still behind the steering wheel in a quick, few moments break in the driving. 

The lower image is of a lovely remote chapel on the north coast of the Llyn Peninsular. Wales is full of many such quiet distant places, where you can just stop and think. Although the busy Blackpoolitis sort of tourism was available, that is, if required; peace was just around any corner; those were the places we were seeking. Not far away was a small car park, friendly cafe and gorgeous beach. People were around, yes,  that was fine, but not in their thousands and they were enjoying themselves. A lovely family holiday sort of spot.

We have a rule when exploring any new district, follow the smallest roads you can find, then follow them until they cease to be a road. Often this involves reversing a short distance, or a tricky three point turn might be required, this three point turn sometimes develops into a rather hairy ten point turn, but thats all the fun of exploring and finding special places.


Saturday 21 September 2024

The Welsh journey continues; whilst staying near Conwy we called into LLandudno briefly and had time for a coffee/sketch at a pavement cafe in George Street.  Llandudno is a lovely rather spacious seaside resort, with wide boulevard type streets and many grand buildings, nice coffee as well. the above is not a great piece of art work, however it does capture the Victorian/Edwardian atmosphere of the place. Sketching is such great fun and Liz is still happily engrossed in her book. Can you spot Edith; I will explain that in my next blog? at

Went for a walk at Polsden Lacey the other day and saw a slow worm. I'v not seen one of them for a couple of years. This one was about 15 inch's long and in the middle of a path, right out in the open, a very vulnerable place to be caught in, so it was playing dead and a first site looked a little like a wooden stick. When it realised that it had been spotted, a burst of speed took it into the undergrowth. 

Note Autumn is just around the corner; all those wonderful colours where every leaf is like a flower.


Sunday 15 September 2024

After Chester we meandered through North Wales, visiting Rhyl, LLandudno, Colwyn Bay Rhuddlan Castle and several other placed which were familiar with my childhood in that area; it was good fun, with sketching playing its part. Liz was constantly immersed in a super book.

A sketch is not a highly polished piece of work, although it can most certainly be of merit; rather it is about a quick memory, an impression and oft created in far from perfect conditions, the above is a good example.  It is of one of the gateways into Conwy and sketched from a very busy corner surrounded by many people pushing and squeezing past everybody else. Sitting was impossible, so leaning against a lamp post on the edge of the pavement was the only possible way of working. 

It was fun to produce and an impression which pleases me. For those of you who are familiar with my work, you might notice Edith with her shopping bags near the centre of the sketch. She gets into my works all over the place, maybe I will tell you about her next week.

Sixty six images were sketched and several hundred photos snapped during the trip, the sketches have all now been digitally scanned and my attention has turned to the photos, sorting them out in photoshop; all good fun.

Will show another image from the trip in a day or so, regards Charles.

Monday 9 September 2024


It has been quite a while since my last blog, to be honest life has been hectic, what with routines, work, commitments and travels; my life has been full to overflowing: but enough of that, my last trek was a journey through Wales from Chester to Bristol, with seemingly every very minor road between traveled. Liz loves these very quiet, remote, single track roads, to be honest fantastic places are often found at the end of them; so that is the way by enlarge that we traveled through Wales. It must be noted that oft these quaint roads have a dead end, with a nightmare three point turn being required for the return journey. Good fun?

However the first drawing of the trip was of the clock gate in Chester. Very touristy and friendly, maybe everybody in Chester spoke to me, I don't know how any drawing was produced.

 More soon.