Well the first of three showing this autumn of my work, is now only a week and a bit away. The show is taking place throughout the Epsom Mental health Week, which has the title of "Love Me Love My Mind". It takes place at St Barnabas Church, Temple Road Epson from the 7th of October this year until the 15th of the same. As my role there is a residential artist I will be there 9 till 3ish each day and will be free and pleased to chat. Lots of other super things are happening as well.
The show this year is called bright things, because it is looking at the colour and vibrancy within nature and music; see the above image. For Epsom the picture framing is finished, there are only all the little bits to do, which you forget about until the last minuet. This morning, after finishing this, my plan is to relax and do nothing much of consequence. Has my wife other plans?