On Friday Liz and a friend went girlie shopping and I was invited along. I agreed to accompany them to Guildford and have a coffee with them; after which I disappeared with my drawing board and pens. The above drawing was the result; not a great drawing, but pleasant enough. The point is all about sketching and why we do it.
I had a lovely hour, only about half of it sketching, the rest of the time was used in talking; I had an easy, relaxed, enjoyable time.
Sketching does two things, firstly it sharpens up your observance skills, confidence and draughtsmanship. Then secondly it teaches you how to get on with people. When painting or drawing on the street it always attracts strangers, it is like a magnet, for all types. So if you don't like people, don't sketch on the street.
But I would say enjoy the attention, meet people in a non threatening way. Try it, you will have a good time.