Oh well back home and the usual round of activities are resumed. At the moment I am seated in the corner-house with MIND and waiting for the punters to arrive; so a few quiet moments to re-think and experience Normandy which was a super break. Before traveling it became obvious to me that I needed a rest, so the decision was taken to paint as usual, but not allow myself to be driven to much.
As such I had a super time, with the camera playing a major part in the week. The forests were subline, with autumn nudging and beginning to edge and creep its, way in, the colours were lovely. Camera wise the light was challenging as the sun was predominantly very hard and full of contrast; not perfect conditions. However judge the results yourself, the above was one of several taken near the chateau.
Next week I am working at Epsom at the LMLMM conference, which is based at St. Barnabus church. The conference covers the whole spectrum of mental health awareness and work, with speakers ranging from top professionals to persons sharing experiences. It normally is a very full on but a good and exciting week.