Wednesday 17 May 2017

Well and truly back from France now and back into our usual routine, lovely.

So now the process of working up a few of the images begins. The above is of a back street in St. George in Lyon. A lovely friendly city, people were super and we had several adventures including being on a tram which had to do an emergency halt to avoid being in an accident. My oh my, can those trams stop quickly, everybody left their seats, amazingly nobody was hurt.

Monday 8 May 2017

Many of you will have noticed (I hope) an absence of  a blog entry over the last few days, well the reason is simple, I was traveling and painting my way all over France.  I arrived home last night around midnight exhausted and have worked all day today, so an early bedtime is in order. The above image was drawn from the hotel steps in the Opera district of Paris at the start of the trip. More soon.