Friday, 11 August 2017

I love going into London when it is warm enough to try my hand at water colour. Yesterday was one of those days.

A carful finicky style just does not work when on the street. The method I find most effective and enjoyable which works for me, is a sketchy sort of style.

This method is, a very light pencil sketch, followed by placing very loose amounts of colour onto the paper, before pushing it around with a pencil. Repeat this circle many times. Amazingly it works and some of these seem to be ok. The above is Henrietta Street near Covent Garden.

The usual rich mixture of people spoke to me during the day, people from Indonesia, China, South Africa and a few city types. An art student stopped for a while to chat, it was lovely having  a tech sort of conversation with her.

Now it is summer, are any of you going to try doing a sketch out of doors, have a go. it is fun.

Next trip to North Cornwall, only a few days away!!!

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