Friday, 6 April 2018

The weather today looked very promising, so of to London went I and the fine sunny day did not disappoint; in fact by the late afternoon it was very warm and it would have been quite pleasant without my jumper.
Returning to Smithfield's Market which was briefly passed the other day, however then being on a mission, was unable to stop. Amazingly, it was a rare occasion, when there was  no camera or sketchbook about my person.
Very near the Barbican the area is so yuppyish, but immediately around the market the place feels original 50's London, friendly, warm and everybody chatted to everybody else. The group of people to the bottom right of the sketch were construction workers, employed on the over ground railway scheme. They kept coming over to natter and see the ongoing work was progressing. The sketch should have taken 20 mins or so; but with stopping and talking to the above, it took over an hour; however a very pleasant hour. Then another sketch and onto a bacon butty in a real back street greasy spoon caf; lovely.  What a super morning.
Had lots more adventures but there isn't room here. 

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