First thank you to Malcolm; indeed Melk is in Austria and not Germany. Maybe to many borders were crossed and forgetfulness on occasion occurred as to where in reality I was.
Sketching on a trip like this is always challenging, and opportunities have to be taken as they arise. The two sketches on view today were both done from the boat as we chugged along.
The upper piece is a fishing lodge somewhere in Hungary, these were every few yards even in the wilder stretched of the river. You will notice the derrick type apparatus, their fishing is very technique ridden at times; if you are interested I will explain how they do it. The lower one is of a cabin cruiser on the continental divide, we saw many small boats of all shapes and sizes; the locals obviously loved their water based pastimes.
Works like the above may not be fine art, even if they can be rather nice drawings; however they do add significantly to the work as a whole by making statements of life styles, etc.
The work on the Danube is now finished, it comprises of 91 quick works, 6 worked up water-colours and about 100 photographs, an essay and lastly a map, filling three volumes. This is available for anybody's perusal, just contact me.
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