Well Epsom came and went, the preparation time was well spent as everything went swimmingly well; indeed they have booked me for next year. The workshops worked, as did all the talking with clients and professionals; my talk about recovery from metal health conditions also worked. So at the end of the week I felt very tired but also very good. So, I then the idea was to have a few day rest and recuperation. 

So now, short while on and I am back at it again, whatever it may be and life is again hectic and good fun.
The above picture is about my favourite images from the travels of this year.
We were in Vienna, the weather was glorious, but not to hot, Liz had gone into church just down this lane and as there was nowhere to sit, I seated myself in the gutter and did the above. People in a nearby café came over to look at my work, nice chats. A lovely relaxing half hour or so.
A couple of weeks routine and then Liz and myself with a friend are off for a short break in Sidmouth. A rather nice sea front hotel with a sea view, we have stayed there before, so we know that we will be well cared for.
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