Yesterday whilst out walking we saw a red kite, nuthatch, mistle thrush, coal tit, a bussard and a hare; now the last one I have not seen for ages. Quite a nature walk!Today it has also been rather pleasant. The sun was shinning and it was pleasantly warm, so Liz and myself, with the slight lifting of restrictions went to the Guildford water meadows for a walk. I was so good because ,we have been very good with regards to staying at home and only going out of the house once during this lockdown, so the prospect of a propper walk was super.
Now during this awful pandemic I have immersed myself in my art and produced all sorts of things, which is a good way of occupying myself, it is also good mental health therapy; so try it. However the one thing which I have not been able to do was, to go out and go sketching; which incidentlly is one of my favorite artistic passtimes.
So today being a pleasant enough for a picnic and to sit down and chill sout a bit, sort of day, Liz said to me that I should pop my sketch book into the bag. I did not argue. As a result the above small sketches were produced; I did enjoy myself.
The dish washer just died and then decided to start again. Stupid thing, its been doing this for months. But why buy a new one, when if everything is normal ,eand after washer has finnished its tantrum, it will work again; maybe its retirment date is getting very close.
At the moment Liz is making a few phone calls for church and then we are going to sit down and watch an Endeavour episode. Its been a pretty good sort of few days.
Ps does anybody know how to get my spell check back, it has disapeared from my blog.
See you all soon, God Bless.
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