Whilst away we lived as nomads in four hotels along the south coast, from Southampton, all the way to our favorite, Sidmouth. We paid two trips to Beer (the location and not the beverage), that amazing fishing hamlet and above is an ink/water-colour produced plen-air.
Liz is always so very suportive with my artistic obsessions; but occasionally she does stamp her feet and lay down rules. This rule this trip was; "One water-colour a day", she likes my water-colours. I almost managed the challenge. Almost because water-colours in this country can be tricky. The above image took about 40 minuets in the open air, the work was finnished of in the bar of the hotel that night. However the open air bit was a tad rough because it was lovely and sunny, but and it was a big but, the wind was blowing and it was ever so cold. That morning I produced three images like the above, so you can imagine that I was slightly chilled when they were finnished.
The trip was a story about hotels, more about that in a few days.
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