Monday, 14 November 2022

 As an artist life never stands still, that statement applys equally to myself as well as to others. The tree project has now reached number eight hundred and thirty one images; during the production of these images many changes in style and thinking. have occured.  What have I learned?

Principally the main learning has been about myself,  as many of these later images took well over twenty hours to produce, much of the learning as been about patience and resilience. Often a work did not seem to be working at all, but sometimes with the attitude of just carying on and stayin in there the images changed and became some of my preffered images; such as the above.

At first many of the images were roughly A5 in size, now many are now A3, which for an ink is very large indeed, and also time consuming.

Confidence in drawing which was the impossible, has happened, such as looking through undergrowth, or the massed complexity of ground cover vegitation.

This project, with other work directions has helped me to grow in confidence as an artist. On the 10th of January, St. Columbas retreat, conference centre is giving me space to show some of my recent work, for which I am very gratefull.  I keep branching out innew directions, but more of that for another day.

Isn't life exciting

As we all grow a little longer in the tooth, life is supposed to slow down a little; but for Liz and myself we just get more and more busy. Many evening nowadays I enjoy a short nap before teatime, and when bedtime comes, I sleep like a log. But isn't life marvelous; 

I have to finnish this wordy ramble by saying, Thank You Jesus.

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