Thursday, 15 December 2022

 A little about a coment by a reader of this blog about my change of style.

A change has been noted by myself as well. The painting on my last blog has a clean crisp edge to it; that was all deiberate and planned, but in the past not easily done due to my eyesight. Following surgery I see colours much more brightly, everything has much more contrast to it and amazingly and this was not what I was not expecting at all, my periferal vision is also much improved.

With the above in mind, I worked for three or four days trying to show the cleandliness of clour which I could now see and that was the result. One of the pictures leading up to it was the above; it is of the west end of Beer Bay, a simple water colour; but, produce in plein air on a wet morning, in the drizzel.

At times painting "Plein Air", or in simple words painting outside, can in this country be a tad tough; the boats picture was produced on a freezing morning, sat on the shingle beach in the teeth of a howling gale, that was a bit tough to put it mildly. Wherea the above, a water colour, was produced on a wet morning, neither were ideal conditions. On a warm, sunny afternoon with a gentle breeze passing by, painting outside is a rather lovely relaxing pastime; oh  for the weather to be like that each time I go out to paint. So painting in this country can be challenging, but really good fun. So find your log johns, wrap up and have a go.

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