Sunday, 1 October 2023


Good morning, today we are looking at a 10x7 inch black and white sketch of a very small hamlet, not far from the tip of Mull as the approach to Iona is made; it is call Bunessan.  The sketch took less than ten minuets to draw and is one of my favorites from the recent trip up north. The sketch works mainly because of the sinplicity of drawftmanship with no attempt at a polished finnishing effect, its about how I felt about myself and the small hamlet, whilst being in a happy, chirpy, holiday mood. As usual composition with consideration of various vanishing points and leading in lines are included without any real consideration. However notice the artistic addition of a small rowing boat, lightly drawn centre left, not a dominant feature, but bringing interest into that area of the work; it balances the work. The work was produced seated on a rock, chilling out, on a beautiful day. It was a relaxed coming together of all the above and it works.

Today other things are happening; my next exhibition is now completed and awaiting the selection process,  which is down from 22 to 12 images. This collection is about small fishing ports, boats, fun, brightness and what other people like and enjoy; so two friends are meeting up with us after church. All the paintings will be spread out on ther floor and then all four of us will choose one picture at a time in rotation until the twelth is reached; talk about democratic. I am choosing the exhibition content this way because although there are obviously my favorites, I want to know about others peoples favorites as well. Lets see what happens!

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