Thursday, 14 November 2024

We all get stuck in a rut and continue in our lives the way we always did in the past. Well its good to break out occasionally and expand our thinking and working. Well over the last three and a half weeks my attention has been on a work of an old beech tree growing on the top of a small cliff; it has been challenging and I am pleased to say that the work although having been exceedingly, trying is succeeding and nearing completion. 

To relax my art a little, it has always been an enjoyable pastime of mine to play with old wire, twisting and bending it into all sorts of things, the above is an example. At the moment in my play time the use of heavier wire is with varying degrees of success. being used to attempt the creation of floral broaches. To be worn as jewellery it needs to not only look pretty, but also be strong and able to take knocks. My present attempts at making a life size daisy out of heavy wire are of varying success; but good fun, relaxing and you never know it might end up with something worthwhile.

So don't take yourself to seriously, relax, enjoy your art, it's good for you.


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