Saturday 15 June 2024

Last week we actually had a free day so we wandered along to Windsor and Epsom. The view above is of Windsor castle from the Eton side.

However last night was very illuminating and contained a large learning curve in my experience of life. We both went to the URC church, to attend the "Hustling", were all the local candidates for the general election met and spoke. J am not going to say who I will vote for, but I will give my observations about the candidates.

Green, a very nice and pleasant lady, but weak, she can't see beyond the immediate presence of her experience.
Labour, very presentable, she spoke politely and always kept to her point without being rude to anyone.
Reform. Blinkered angry opinions. Not a diplomat or understanding person.
Heritage. he came across very badly, intolerant, not a nice man at all.
Conservative. aggressive and rude to his opponents. Several times speaking rudely when others had the floor. More interested in criticising others for his own faults. He felt that it was ok to vote in parliament with regards to brexit against his constituency's wishes. Did not come over well at all.
Liberals. Calm, polite, put his opinions forwards without accusatory anger.

You need to choose, last night told me certainly who I will not vote for.


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