Monday, 30 March 2020

So now that I have started my third week of isolation, how is it going? To be honest it really isn't to bad at all, in fact in a strange sort of way I am enjoying it. Of coarse I am a little concerned about catching the virus, but I am doing all the isolation bit properly, I watch the news first thing in the morning, just long enough to get the details and the same in the evening. I certainly am not thinking about it all the time. As for the isolation bit, well that is how it is, so lets get on with it and keep ourselves busy. Excessive concern is silly and just makes you unhappy.

As for keeping busy, well the pile of work which can be worked up from Israel, is massive; so it looks like the image collection, I feel,will be quite impressive in the end. What a chance to be able to spend this amount of time on such a worthwhile project. Lets hope I have the endurance to keep this up, which is about six or seven hours a day. I really am very fortunate to be able to spend time doing this

You know that I make no claims to be a water colorist, however Liz (my wife) disagrees and keeps pushing me in that direction. so the above is a stall on El Wad (a street in the Arab section of Jerusalem) which sells just about everything; can you spot the teddy bear!

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Good morning everybody and what a lovely morn it is. I am of out in a moment to hang out the washing, that is exciting!

Now that pretty well all of my work at the moment is studio based, it has become very apparent in the change in my work style. Whilst in Israel, indeed when working on the streets of London (not for a while sadly), my approach to work is sketchy, whereas in the studio the approach is much more studious and academic.

What do I mean by sketchy. It is the thinking style, approach, rather than taking great care to get things such as angles and perspective right. To start with an attitude of mind is needed, in the use of  a  quickly drawn lighter line, then that line is corrected by the use of another light line until the correct line is found. Working quickly and spontaneously it is surprising how few incorrect lines are drawn. Also the incorrect lineage works well into the image, producing a vibrant living feel of the subject. This living sort of reaction drawing works well and carries with it the emotion and feelings of the subject which so often are missing in the studio work. When I look at sketches, I am instantly there, where they were drawn.

Neither is it is right to denigrate the studio work, this is so rewarding. A ten or twenty minuet sketch is transformed into a 20 hour finished studio piece. which will say different things. Water colour work ceases to be a quick reaction, becoming rather a careful, thinking and planning approach. A method which I often use it to do a preliminary quick water colour sketch in the studio. That helps me work out the planning and production problems. I find the waiting for layers to dry frustrating, as by nature I am a reactive artist, but I have to stop, wait, think and then in time react.

What ever the whole process is really good fun and mentally healthy.

Above is a water colour of the Via Delorosa in Jerusalem, which I finished yesterday.

Remember, plan your day, be busy and stay safe.

Regards Duncan

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Good morning to you all and isn't a lovely spring morning. When I hung out the washing earlier, about nine, it was lovely, a little fresh, but super.
At the moment, understandably many people are quite worried about their and their families health and practical well-being. That is reasonable, but at the same time there is a massive need to keep things in perspective and near panic feeling are just not appropriate. We can do much to slow down this terrible virus and live in reasonable safety. Follow the rules about hygiene, particularly hand washing. Also follow the rules about going out , be strict and follow them properly. This does not say you will not catch the illness, but it will lessen the odds and help the health of the nation and those around you. Lecture over.
Liz and myself have never been so busy, willingly we are occupying ourselves and finding things to do. This morning my day started with my quiet time, that is an essential start; today was about the calling of Matthew, now there lies a story. Next can breakfast,then hanging out the washing; after which I dived into the study and finished the ink below, which is of the inside of the Damascus Gate, from the El Wad in Jerusalem. A very busy part of the Arab markets, just teeming with life. I love the area.
So now that is finished so work has started on a water-colour of half way up the Via Delorosa, near the Austrian Hospice. Now the Hospice is an amassing place, a quiet enclave in the midst of chaos; with easy chairs, coffee, cake, politeness and peaceful quietness; very, very colonial, but rather pleasant and restful.
So, start a project, pull out your kids crayons and have a play.

Remember that Jesus still loves you.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Well Liz and myself have been home just over a week now; as we qualify as vulnerable, we have placed ourselves into voluntary isolation for the time being. The idea as most will agree at first seemed to be rather scarey, but then we thought a little.
Why not be positive about all of this, how can this be useful or a good experience? Maybe crazy thinking, but why not?
So first we have developed a daily routine,  a weekly routine and an attitude as to positive use of time. Maybe being an artist is good, I am fortunate there. As I have that, I will use it. So  a work discipline covering two existing projects and a project to be started when there is time was implemented. Daily slots built in are roughly in order; quiet time, breakfast, e-mails, exerciser, house work, project work, lunch, relax, project work, exercise, tea, joint quiet time, and normal relaxation in the evening.
Disciplines like getting dressed properly, shaving  and looking good are essential to good mental well being. Liz's work involves contacting people and church pastoral work, so she is very busy; maybe in a day or two the phone will be worn out!
I will talk about my projects in a day or two.
Tell me your thoughts.
Today picture is a quiet back lane in the old city of Joppa, I was rained off half way through doing this sketch, so then had to finish it from memory, in a coffee house; nice coffee.
See you all soon, Duncan

Friday, 20 March 2020

What an adventure. The trip to Israel certainly to its moments. The uncertainties are best summed up by our being on the last plane out of Israel, after a three day wait. But we did have a rather splendid time.
We were with a group of about thirty other people and a very mixed bunch we were. But that make the trip more interesting. I met a few people whom I will certainly keep in touch with.
Art wise I was in overdrive, grabbing any opportunity to paint as it was offered.To be honest our guide was next to useless, which was a pity, as really he was a nice bloke, but sadly his references to Biblical, historical and cultural knowledge, well he just was not able to connect with and make relevant to us. But he was a nice well meaning guy.
However despite the lack of help from the guide I did manage to get the imagery which was needed.
Now Joppa was an adventure, more of that later, just an image of the old town for today.
As for Corola lock-down I am spending hours in the studio, with thoughts and ideas spouting out all over the place. That could be messy. see you soon.