So now that I have started my third week of isolation, how is it going? To be honest it really isn't to bad at all, in fact in a strange sort of way I am enjoying it. Of coarse I am a little concerned about catching the virus, but I am doing all the isolation bit properly, I watch the news first thing in the morning, just long enough to get the details and the same in the evening. I certainly am not thinking about it all the time. As for the isolation bit, well that is how it is, so lets get on with it and keep ourselves busy. Excessive concern is silly and just makes you unhappy.
As for keeping busy, well the pile of work which can be worked up from Israel, is massive; so it looks like the image collection, I feel,will be quite impressive in the end. What a chance to be able to spend this amount of time on such a worthwhile project. Lets hope I have the endurance to keep this up, which is about six or seven hours a day. I really am very fortunate to be able to spend time doing this

You know that I make no claims to be a water colorist, however Liz (my wife) disagrees and keeps pushing me in that direction. so the above is a stall on El Wad (a street in the Arab section of Jerusalem) which sells just about everything; can you spot the teddy bear!
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