Now that pretty well all of my work at the moment is studio based, it has become very apparent in the change in my work style. Whilst in Israel, indeed when working on the streets of London (not for a while sadly), my approach to work is sketchy, whereas in the studio the approach is much more studious and academic.
What do I mean by sketchy. It is the thinking style, approach, rather than taking great care to get things such as angles and perspective right. To start with an attitude of mind is needed, in the use of a quickly drawn lighter line, then that line is corrected by the use of another light line until the correct line is found. Working quickly and spontaneously it is surprising how few incorrect lines are drawn. Also the incorrect lineage works well into the image, producing a vibrant living feel of the subject. This living sort of reaction drawing works well and carries with it the emotion and feelings of the subject which so often are missing in the studio work. When I look at sketches, I am instantly there, where they were drawn.
Neither is it is right to denigrate the studio work, this is so rewarding. A ten or twenty minuet sketch is transformed into a 20 hour finished studio piece. which will say different things. Water colour work ceases to be a quick reaction, becoming rather a careful, thinking and planning approach. A method which I often use it to do a preliminary quick water colour sketch in the studio. That helps me work out the planning and production problems. I find the waiting for layers to dry frustrating, as by nature I am a reactive artist, but I have to stop, wait, think and then in time react.
What ever the whole process is really good fun and mentally healthy.
Above is a water colour of the Via Delorosa in Jerusalem, which I finished yesterday.
Remember, plan your day, be busy and stay safe.
Regards Duncan
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