Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Well at last the Israel project is finnished, it was a bit of a slog, however something worth while is often hard work, but very well worth while in the long run; at the end there were just over eighty images in the work. To celibrate, above is the last image produced; a watercolour of the arab quarter souk near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. For artistic licence I had to include a teddy amongst all the toys. Unfortunatly the complete work will not available for puruseal untill after this lockdown is lifted a little.

So what is ahead now?  A parrot, more about that at a latter date, but it is coming along nicely, and happyly it accepted its primer undercoat of paint this morning. without making to much fuss.

Something a little more serious. The next maritime sculpture was started. All sorts of challenges there. More about that later.

I do appreciate all these delivery drops by people who are working ever so hard. A young chap just dropped off a Tradecraft order to us; we are his 140th drop today; now that is hard work, and still cheerful as well, nice chap. Without people like him, my painting would be difficult in the extreme, as now all my supplies are ordered via the internet. I do have one rule which I follow as far as possible; which is by only using internet sites which also have a normal retail outlet and shop. That way we might have a funtioning retail business structure when this is all over.

You know, life is rather good, this mornig a few of us met on Zoom and prayed together for a while,  a little later we went for a super walk along the canal, the weather is so lovely, spring has erupted. and tonight a dozen of us from church are also meeting up on Zoon for fellowship.

So keep heart, life is good, there are good people and things out there and God certainly loves and cares for you.

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