Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Even the most resilient of us all will during this time find life hard on occasion. For me today was for me one of those days. This morning my mind was full of doom, gloom and every sort of difficulty with very little if any form of motivation. But I am lucky to have "The Lovely Liz" and with her, shall we say, her encouragement, we both got going and went for a walk in the local woods for some exerciser, where being surrounded by trees, nature and plenty of mud, my spirits were soon lifted. We had a lovely walk and arrived back home feeling just fine. When feelings of lowness come upon us, as they do to us all, a walk surrounded by nature can be a big help; I know that it works wonders for me.

We met a nice lady who enjoys her art; we chatted for some time as she told me about her work and the difficulty she is finding in not being able to met like minded artists. Tough times are real and creative pastimes help.

The ink above was done last week and is simply a rather ragged, stumpy sort of tree which we all see in any of the hedge rows. But look closely, just get immersed in the differing textures and shapes, and then a ragged bit of hedgerow becomes an amazing space.

Oh well, must get on, see you all soon.


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