Thursday, 7 January 2021

Well we are properly into the new year now and it is damp, cold and to be honest not very nice outside. So lets go away for a short while, inside our minds, so it won't cost any money, to somewhere altogether warmer. When I want to get away, I am lucky because, out come my sketch books and photos, so that places which I loved to visit, can be revisited and relived all over again. A water-colour or a more finished ink drawing is normally produced and I have enjoyed myself.
The above is of Bonney Nuite Bay. on the Island of Jersey in the Channel Islands. It was very pleasantly warm, a gentle sea breeze was blowing and Liz was contented, deep in a jolly good book. That gave me a little freedom to wander and escape for a while.  So I wandered around for a while sketching and taking photos before noticing that at the island end of the jetty, just off to the left of the picture, was a small ice cream shack, lovely; if I remember correctly, mine was a rum and raisin two scoop cornet, my memory does not tell me what Liz had.

So get your photos out and have a go, you might enjoy yourself playing. By the way, painting and playing is very good for you, especially for you mental health, which when you are a little low or fed up which is reasonable at the moment happens, is very important. Why not e-mail me a photo of your painting, I would love to see what you do.

See you soon Duncan.


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