Thursday 8 February 2018

I keep saying how important art is as a communication tool, well the other day whilst at a hospital where I work and chatting to a lady, we talked about both our artistic endeavours. She produced photos on her phone of rather super wooden turned creations, amongst other things. In the chat we talked about Lincoln Cathedral where I had the privilege to work as an artist some years ago, I said that one of the Lincoln drawings from that period would appear on this site this week.
The drawing was one I produced when leading a group in learning how to handle painting in very public places. It was  glorious sunny August, Saturday, early afternoon at the west end of the building and we had hundreds of tourists surrounding us and watching we the twenty or so artists image making. It was a lovely friendly, chatty sort of day; lots of confidence levels were raised to new levels.
To paint whilst being surrounded by people who you have not met before, is such a privilege and honour; barriers go down and people just become friendly, dropping many of their prejudices and hardness's of life. Try it.
Maybe I have gone on enough, To the lady I met; I hope you like the drawing and the rest of you, see you soon

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