Friday 2 February 2018

You will no doubt have heard all the fuss about the blue moon the other night, well it was to much to resist so of Liz and myself went up to Newlands Corner (a hill away from light pollution) to try to photograph the event. It was my first attempt at astrological photography.I remembered a few things which Andy (Sheffield) told me years ago, and learnt a few more things.
Andy's wisdom!!! The exposure for the moon is normally the same as an exposure for a bright sunny day. It seems a funny exposer to use in the pitch black, but it was a good starting point. The other way of getting the exposure right is to use a 1% spot meter, if you have one!
And the lesson was, practice using the camera and tripod blindfolded beforehand (it was pitch black). My tripod head is a geared one, a bit of a beasty, enough is to say it is complex and not easy to use without the use of eyes to see with. Fumbling in the dark was tricky, but we won in the end.
I might try something a little more ambitious in the future. 
PS. Liz didn't move from the car as it was a tad cold.

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